Monsieur Seb’s Daily Music Suggestion: a quick poll

The newly repaired SL1400 and the subsequent trip down memory lane I’m going through these days — digitizing favourites from my vinyl collection — has made me wonder whether it would be a cool idea to spin a set of classic oldies at Picnik électronik on August 16th.

Part of my reflexion comes from the fact (aside from this recording process) that I believe the people who attend Picnik go there to have a good time and not necessarily be preached upon, which my idea of a Cosmic Disco set — a genre not very well known and therefore not yet fully appreciated — might be perceived as.

I’d like to know what you think about it, please leave a comment below with your opinion on this idea.

Here are a few tracks that would surely make the cut in my selection for an oldies set:

Motif – Let the Madness Begin (1996)

Max 404 – Honey (1999)

Fluke – Slid (Modwheel Mix) (1997)

3 thoughts on “Monsieur Seb’s Daily Music Suggestion: a quick poll”

  1. Excuse my English, he went away with my dictionary…
    Je suis toujours partant pour un set rétro tu le sais probablement déjà.
    Mais c’est quand même un peu dommage pour le Cosmic Disco, parce que je trouve que c’est le beat parfait pour bouger au soleil.
    Bref, je te fais entièrement confiance !
    Pis je te fais confiance pour rentrer un Lindstrom entre 2 classiques 😉
    Bin quoi !

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