Tag Archives: Mathew Chicoine

Monsieur Seb’s Daily Music Suggestion: From One Chicoine to Another

I’ve recently, as many people who were in attendance, had the chance to catch Matthew Chicoine, better known under his moniker Recloose, spinning a GREAT set at Piknic Electronik.

Now, I’m not the star-struck fan-type, but I did look up the man on Facebook once I came home that afternoon, partly because I wanted to ask him directly whether he really is from Montreal, because since he’s also named Chicoine, I’m curious about the off-chance that we might have common ancestry, and to thank him for his set — especially for dropping Galaxy 2 Galaxy’s Jupiter Jazz.

So, couple of weeks later, he accpeted my contact request on FB, which in turned allowed me to learn about Matthew’s blog, Hit It and Quit It.



The place is a treasure trove of podcasts by Matthew and others, but also download links to some of his productions and other goodies, like, forexample, links to seven recordings of Jeff Mills’ radio show in the 80s!


Don’t miss out on this one!